Modeling of the dynamic characteristics of the wagon in the software package «Universal mechanism UM»


  • Lyubov' V. Martynenko Irkutsk State Transport University


dynamic modeling, derailment of wagons, technical malfunctions of the wagon, rolling stock driving mode, bursts of dynamic shocks, transition curve, radius of curvature, mining and transshipment section, increase in outstanding acceleration, software package «Universal mechanism UM»


To determine the dynamics of rolling stock movement while passing sections with track defects, as well as the influence of technical malfunctions of the car and the driving mode of the train, it is proposed to conduct dynamic modeling at the specified values of the rolling stock and track parameter with the train driving mode taken into account. This simulation will make it possible to determine the power surges of dynamic shocks during the passage of areas with existing malfunctions, as well as to identify how much these surges increase with several permissible deviations in operation combined. Based on the results obtained, an assessment of dangerous combinations of malfunctions was carried out, and deviations in rolling stock movement modes, which are crucial when passing sections with a speed limit, were also considered. The analysis was performed in the course of the investigation of specific derailments, which allowed to establish the relationship between the values of the controlled parameters deviations of the car and the track elements, as well as the degree of involvement in the convergence of these objects when moving in curves and on mountain-pass sections. From these positions, the role of unextinguished acceleration in the process of car derailment during movement in mountain-pass sections is identified and evaluated. The increase in undamped acceleration within the transition curve should be limited, since the factors influencing its change are associated not only with the driving mode of the train, but also with the location of dangerous areas in which additional lateral forces arise. Currently, special attention is paid to the high-speed modes of train driving, especially in curves and transition curves, whose radius of curvature is not a constant value, and the task of rolling stock passing these sections of the track is important in the investigation of emergency situations. The main parameters determining traffic safety and rail wear are the magnitude and nature of the change in forces arising from the interaction of the track and rolling stock, as well as the length of the transition curves.

Author Biography

Lyubov' V. Martynenko, Irkutsk State Transport University

Assistant Professor of the Department of Wagons and wagon facilities


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How to Cite

Мартыненко, Л. В. (2022). Modeling of the dynamic characteristics of the wagon in the software package «Universal mechanism UM». Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(75), 139-148. Retrieved from

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