Simulation modeling and evaluation of processing capacity of Busan transport hub elements


  • Taek Young Lee Far Eastern State Transport University
  • Roman G. Korol' Far Eastern State Transport University


simulation modeling, terminal and logistics infrastructure, transport hub, Busan port


The organization of the Trans-Korean Railway with access to the continental railway network will allow the formation of new transport and logistics chains in which the foreign trade container traffic will be concentrated in the Busan transport hub (Republic of Korea). The main international container lines pass through the port Busan, where containers are transshipped from the ports of Southeast Asia and China to sea vessels for delivery to the Far Eastern ports of Russia, which is the main link in the transport and logistics chains of parallel imports. Today, the terminal and logistics infrastructure of the port Busan cannot manage the processing of increasing volumes of container traffic, sea and land transport is idle waiting for technological operations, which leads to logistical risks. The purpose of this article is to determine the reserves of the processing capacity of the Busan transport hub, taking into account the reorientation of part of the container traffic to rail transport. To achieve this goal, a program was developed to assess the processing capacity of the elements of the transport hub with the change in container traffic volume. The objectives of this study are to analyze the volume of container processing in the port Busan, to develop a technological scheme for the interaction of infrastructure facilities and to simulate the operation of subsystems of the Busan transport hub. The subject of this study is the transport and terminal logistics infrastructure of the Busan transport hub. Theoretical and mathematical research methods, including modeling, visualization and comparison, are used in this work. The article presents the results of two modeling scenarios - with existing volumes of work and with infrastructural re-equipment for processing future container flow. A phased development of the processing capacity of the Busan transport hub is proposed, including infrastructure modernization, organizational, technological and technical measures.

Author Biographies

Taek Young Lee, Far Eastern State Transport University

Applicant of the Department of Technology of transport processes and logistics

Roman G. Korol', Far Eastern State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technology of transport processes and logistics


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How to Cite

Ли, Т. Е., & Король, Р. Г. (2022). Simulation modeling and evaluation of processing capacity of Busan transport hub elements. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(75), 171-180. Retrieved from