Modeling of repair operation modes of the power supply system of the Yurts – Nizhneudinsk section during the implementation of interval control systems


  • Elena Yu. Puzina Irkutsk State Transport University; Irkutsk National Research Technical University


interval control systems, power transformers, repair modes, power transmission lines, region Yurty – Nizhneudinsk


At present in JSC «Russian Railways», an urgent task aimed at increasing the capacity of existing electrified railway lines is the introduction of modern interval control systems that contribute to a significant reduction in inter-train intervals.  Such systems include a microprocessor system with tonal rail circuits with central equipment placement of a cabinet version and a virtual coupling. The implementation of such systems will undoubtedly cause a significant loads increase both in the traction and the external power supply system. This fact, in turn, result in an increase in the voltage drop in the contact network, possibly accompanied by a decrease in the voltage level on the current collectors of locomotives to an unacceptable value. The aggravation of such a situation will manifest itself in the repair modes of the external power supply system especially vividly, since the disconnection of its links leads to an even greater increase in loads in the remaining power transmission lines and power transformers of district substations. The development of this situation will contribute to an even more significant reduction in the voltage level in the contact network. These facts must also be taken into account due to the fact that most of the power transmission lines and substation equipment currently have significant wear. Within this work, an assessment of the impact of repair modes of the external power supply system on the operating conditions of the traction power supply system at one of the difficult sections of the East Siberian Railway under the implementation of these interval control systems was carried out. Proposals have been developed for the technical re-equipment of the power supply system of the studied area.

Author Biography

Elena Yu. Puzina, Irkutsk State Transport University; Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Electric Power Industry of Transport, Irkutsk State Transport University;

Associate Professor of the Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering, Irkutsk National Research Technical University.


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How to Cite

Пузина, Е. Ю. (2022). Modeling of repair operation modes of the power supply system of the Yurts – Nizhneudinsk section during the implementation of interval control systems. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(75), 181-194. Retrieved from

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