Results of experimental investigation of the electrohydroimpulse method for crushing reinforced concrete scrap waste from dismantled contact network supports of railway overhead line


  • Anatolii V. Yur’ev Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport – a branch of the Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Alexander E. Garanin Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport – a branch of the Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Dar’ya A. Yur’eva PLM «LCC «RC «ASCON-Enisey»
  • Konstantin P. Remyannikov Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator
  • Danila P. Miller Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport – a branch of the Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Anastasiya I. Mal’kova Koshurnikovskaya signaling, centralization and blocking distance – a structural subdivision of the Krasnoyarsk Directorate of Infrastructure – a structural subdivision of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure – a branch of JSC «Russian Railways»
  • Alexander V. Sergienko Cosmonautics School


reinforced concrete scrap waste, green recycling technologies, electrohydroimpulse crushing technology, resource conservation, energy efficiency


To envolve the reinforced concrete V class hazard waste generated after dismantling reinforced concrete posts for railway infrastructure (overhead line posts) geographically distributed over considerable distances it is proposed to identify the best available «green technology» for recycling having high technical, economic, operational and sanitary parameters and allowing to obtain recyclable materials close to the places of waste generation and accumulation, which will eliminate costly transportation, processing and disposal of waste. Experimental investigation of the electrohydroimpulse method of crushing reinforced concrete railway overhead line posts made from heavy-weight class B40 concrete have been carried out. Design, technical and operational parameters of the experimental sample of the crushing complex are high mobility, compactness, light weight, low energy consumption, dust-free operation, high quality of the obtained recyclable materials, ease of management, maintenance and transportation. Experimental investigation of the electrohydroimpulse method of crushing has shown high technical, operational and economical parameters to ensure a promising opportunity of implementing the technology of recycling reinforced concrete waste into recyclable materials that meets the criteria of the best available technology in environmental protection. The development of technology to the level of pilot operation in the structural divisions of the electric power complex of railway transport will allow to achieve the target indicator of the Long-term Development Program of JSC «Russian Railways» until 2025 of raising the level of environmental safety in terms of increasing the share of neutralization and involvement of the waste production and consumption in secondary circulation in the total amount of its formation, as well as accelerate the provision of technological sovereignty of Russia.

Author Biographies

Anatolii V. Yur’ev, Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport – a branch of the Irkutsk State Transport University

Engineer of the Regional Center for Innovative Development

Alexander E. Garanin, Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport – a branch of the Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Train Traffic Support Systems

Dar’ya A. Yur’eva, PLM «LCC «RC «ASCON-Enisey»

Lead Manager

Konstantin P. Remyannikov, Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator

Head of the Department of Engineering and Prototyping

Danila P. Miller, Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport – a branch of the Irkutsk State Transport University

Engineer of the Regional Center for Innovative Development

Anastasiya I. Mal’kova, Koshurnikovskaya signaling, centralization and blocking distance – a structural subdivision of the Krasnoyarsk Directorate of Infrastructure – a structural subdivision of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure – a branch of JSC «Russian Railways»

Electrical Engineer


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How to Cite

Юрьев, А. В., Гаранин, А. Е., Юрьева, Д. А., Ремянников, К. П., Миллер, Д. П., Малькова, А. И., & Сергиенко, А. В. (2022). Results of experimental investigation of the electrohydroimpulse method for crushing reinforced concrete scrap waste from dismantled contact network supports of railway overhead line. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(76), 101-108. Retrieved from