Development of a mathematical model for the installation of an automatic line for obtaining feedstock from secondary polymeric materials for layer-by-layer deposition technologies


  • Shodmon S. Nozirzoda Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University
  • Temir-Bek Erkinovich Mirzakhmedov Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University


automated line, modeling, dynamic processes, recycling, product quality, raw materials, layer-by-layer deposition technology


In order to increase productivity and ensure the required accuracy and quality of products, automated lines must be used in the technological process. One of such processes is the production of a polymer line for additive technologies, namely for layer-by-layer deposition technology. For the production of polymer thread, the possibility of using secondary raw materials is being considered. The paper considers the development of theoretical foundations and modeling of the installation of an automated line for obtaining raw materials from secondary polymer waste for the technology of the layered direction. The purpose of this work is theoretical modeling, the development of a digital model and the study of the dynamic processes of the installation for obtaining raw materials from secondary polymer materials for the technology of the layer-by-layer deposition. According to the tasks set in the work, a digital model of the installation was developed, a mathematical model for the study of dynamic processes, which is implemented in the MatLAB software product. To simulate the installation, a block diagram has been compiled that shows the relationship between the elements of the system. The transfer function of the system and the amplitude-frequency characteristics are determined, which made it possible to identify the rational parameters of the installation. Automation of the process of obtaining the source material for the technology of layer-by-layer deposition in the form of polymer wire from recycled waste will reduce the cost of producing the source material and increase productivity, while maintaining the quality indicators of the consumable material, since polymer materials change their physical, mechanical and chemical properties during recycling.

Author Biographies

Shodmon S. Nozirzoda, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Industrial Technologies

Temir-Bek Erkinovich Mirzakhmedov, Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University

Department of Automation of technological processes and productions


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How to Cite

Нозирзода, Ш. С., & Мирзахмедов, Т.-Б. Э. (2023). Development of a mathematical model for the installation of an automatic line for obtaining feedstock from secondary polymeric materials for layer-by-layer deposition technologies. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(77), 32-40. Retrieved from



Machine Building and Theoretical Engineering