The use of energy-saving technologies in the maintenance and repair of rolling stock


  • Evgeniya A. Milovanova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Valerii E. Gozbenko Irkutsk State Transport University


washing and cleaning of rolling stock, the Digital Depot project, washing machines and machinery designs, gas lift type apparatuses, intensification of the processing process


The implementation of the pilot project «Digital Depot» by the company «Locоtech» is aimed at the integrated application of solutions for more efficient organization of production processes. The technical devices currently used in railway transport for washing and cleaning both rolling stock and its parts, with a sufficiently large coverage area of the product range, affect the objects being processed either with a jet of liquid with a detergent, or involve "bathing" the object in a cleansing medium. The existing cleaning technology and the design of washing machines do not allow to increase the efficiency of such devices, and the aggressive properties of liquids used in the technological process are not fully created. The solution is seen in the intensification of technological processes of washing and cleaning of rolling stock parts by rationally organizing the structure of washing fluid flows to increase their productivity. The increase in productivity is also ensured by the creation of a large specific contact surface of the gas-liquid phases. Thus, we are talking about improving the efficiency of cleaning technology by using the design capabilities of the devices, and not by increasing the aggressiveness of the working fluid. The article provides an assessment of the design features of traditional schemes of gas lift apparatuses, approaches to optimal partitioning of apparatuses, to identify zones in their circulation circuit for the most advantageous placement of liquid treatment facilities, the use of devices with forced gas supply for the implementation of technological processes in industrial production conditions is proposed.

Author Biographies

Evgeniya A. Milovanova, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Еlectric rolling stock

Valerii E. Gozbenko, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, the Full Professor, Professor of Department of Math


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How to Cite

Милованова, Е. А., & Гозбенко, В. Е. (2022). The use of energy-saving technologies in the maintenance and repair of rolling stock. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(75), 70-79. Retrieved from

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