Modeling of the compressed air consumption in the pneumatic systems on the example of the train brakes operation during charging and release mode


  • Alena A. Khamnaeva Irkutsk State Transport University


rolling stock of railways, pneumatic brakes of rolling stock, rolling stock braking system, stationary pneumatic processes, non-stationary pneumatic systems, digital twin of the train


The article considers the issue of modeling the pneumatic processes and the universality of pneumatic systems in relation to various sectors of the economy. The simulation is carried out illustrated with the example of the pneumatic braking system of domestic freight rolling stock, for which the scheme of the train's braking equipment with the main braking devices is considered and the directions of air movement through the ducts in the main modes are analyzed. When creating the model, an approach was used with the approximation of experimental data by choosing a mathematical function and selecting its parameters. The simulation was aimed at solving a particular problem of determining the change in the flow of compressed air in the braking system of rolling stock by the pressure in the source (in the main tank) for two modes of operation: charging the toruses and maintaining the charging pressure in the brake line during train mode. The pneumatic system of the train can operate in the consumption mode to saturate the brake devices with compressed air, which implies a non-stationary character of the process. At the same time, the braking system can operate in the mode of compensation for compressed air leaks due to loose joints, implying the stationary nature of the process. Due to these features of the operation of the pneumatic system, two equations were proposed for stationary and non-stationary modes. The proposed solution for modeling the flow of compressed air to reduce the pressure in the source, aside from railway rolling stock, is applicable for similar pneumatic systems of general industrial use.

Author Biography

Alena A. Khamnaeva, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D student of the Department of Electric Rolling Stock


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How to Cite

Хамнаева, А. А. (2022). Modeling of the compressed air consumption in the pneumatic systems on the example of the train brakes operation during charging and release mode. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(75), 130-138. Retrieved from