Elastic polyurethane shock absorbers


  • Nikolai A. Efimov Samara State Transport University
  • Alexander S. Tychkov Samara State Transport University


elastic polyurethane shock absorber, torus-shaped elastic block, stiffness, hysteresis losses, software package ANSYS, deformation and force characteristics


Comprehensive studies of stiffness, deformation-force characteristics and hysteresis losses of elastic shock absorbers and the development of new technical devices that increase the reliability and durability of components and chassis parts of rail vehicles have been carried out. Numerical studies were carried out in the ANSYS software package with a set of Multiphysics products by the finite element method using the Mooney-Rivlin polynomial hyper elastic material model. Experimental studies of the dependence of torus-shaped elastic blocks stiffness on axial compression deformation and the determination of their hysteresis losses under workload have been carried out. Based on the research results, graphical dependences of the stiffness of torus-shaped elastic elements with different cross-sections made of the SKU-7L brand polyurethane on axial compression deformation are constructed. They indicate that the rigidity of shock absorbers with a circular cross-section increases steeply with an increase in load and deformation up to 40 % of permissible for elastomers, and allows for normative movements of structural elements of rolling stock and improved dynamic properties. To calculate the stiffness of torus-shaped shock absorbers, depending on their axial deformation, the formula is derived. Diagrams of equivalent stresses according to Mises are obtained and the deformation-force characteristics of the elastic shock absorbers under consideration are constructed. It is established that the coefficient of mechanical losses decreases with a decrease in the coefficient of the shape of shock absorbers and their hardness and is in the range of 0.15 – 0.45. To improve the design and optimize the parameters of the rolling stock, universal torus-shaped polyurethane shock absorbers have been developed and recommended for implementation.

Author Biographies

Nikolai A. Efimov, Samara State Transport University

Кандидат технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры электрического транспорта

Alexander S. Tychkov, Samara State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Electric Transport


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How to Cite

Ефимов, Н. А., & Тычков, А. С. (2022). Elastic polyurethane shock absorbers. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(76), 206-214. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/918