Analysis of traffic safety at level crossings in the Russian Federation


  • Gayaz G. Akhmedzyanov Omsk State Transport University
  • Al'bert D. Galeev Omsk State Transport University
  • Maksim V. Klyuchnikov Omsk State Transport University
  • Artem V. Litvinov Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


level crossing, traffic safety, linear regression, number of crossings, hazard coefficient, traffic accident


In the Russian Federation, a significant number of traffic accidents is observed annually at level crossings. Most of the scientific works and research on the topic of crossings are devoted to improving the technical equipment and maintenance of railway crossings. To date, there is no way to completely eliminate traffic accidents at level crossings. The subject of the study is traffic safety at level crossings in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the work is to analyze the provision of traffic safety at level crossings in the Russian Federation. The article considers cases of traffic accidents at level crossings in the Russian Federation for the period from 2011 to 2021, and based on these data, a forecast is made for the number of traffic accidents at level crossings in the Russian Federation for the period from 2022 to 2027. The trend line reflecting the trend in the number of traffic accidents at level crossings has been studied. A polynomial of the sixth degree is chosen as the trend line. Also presented are basic statistics for transport infrastructure and railroad crossings for the main large and economically developed countries. An assessment of traffic safety based on the specific accident rate at level crossings (number of traffic accidents at level crossings per one hundred thousand people) is considered. This assessment was recognized as inaccurate, since it does not take into account the main factors affecting the accident rate at crossings. A hazard coefficient for level crossings is proposed, taking into account the number of crossings and cars in a particular country. The highest risk factor for level crossings was obtained for Turkey and Ukraine, the lowest for the USA and the European Union. According to the value of the hazard coefficient of level crossings, Russia ranks fourth among the countries under consideration. Russia has potential in increasing technical and organizational measures to improve traffic safety at level crossings.

Author Biographies

Gayaz G. Akhmedzyanov, Omsk State Transport University

Ph. D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and telemechanics

Al'bert D. Galeev, Omsk State Transport University

Assistant Professor of the Department of Automation and telemechanics

Maksim V. Klyuchnikov, Omsk State Transport University

Engineer of the Department of Automation and telemechanics

Artem V. Litvinov, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Affairs in special conditions


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How to Cite

Ахмедзянов, Г. Г., Галеев, А. Д., Ключников, М. В., & Литвинов, А. В. (2022). Analysis of traffic safety at level crossings in the Russian Federation. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(76), 153-161. Retrieved from