About the Journal

The journal has been published since 2018.
Indexed in the RSCI.
Four issues per year. Publication in the journal is free.
The journal publishes works of graduate students, master’s degree holders, students and young teachers. It publishes review and theoretical articles, short reports reflecting the latest achievements of technical, natural and human Sciences, scientific reviews, as well as articles of problematic and scientific and -practical nature, scientific student works.

Electronic scientific journal "Young science of Siberia" is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles in the field of technical, natural Sciences, social Sciences and Humanities under the following headings:

  • Railroad cars and facilities
  • Electric rolling stock
  • Railway track, railway research and design
  • Management in railway transport
  • Railway energy and electrification
  • Construction of railways, bridges, tunnels, industrial and civil buildings and structures
  • Automation, telemechanics and communication
  • Mechanical engineering, machine engineering, materials science
  • Computer science and engineering
  • Automation and control of technological processes and productions
  • Instrumentation and metrology
  • Physical and mathematical sciences
  • Life safety and ecology
  • Customs and law
  • Economics and management
  • Philosophy and pedagogy
  • Topical issues of linguistics, intercultural communication and teaching of languages and cultures

Acceptance of articles is made continuously throughout the year. The number of articles published in each issue is limited.

Free access policy

The journal provides direct open access to its content based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to the increase of global knowledge exchange.