
  • Maria Vadimovna Kostyreva Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Anastasia Alexandrovna Melentyeva Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Vera Sergeevna Aslamova Irkutsk State Transport University


working conditions, harmful factor of production, labor protection, workplace


The article substantiates the relevance of the performed analysis of the state of working conditions (WC) and the labor protection management system (MS LP) in the operational locomotive depot (ОLD) Zima, since the degree of a person’s working capacity, his state of health and attitude to work directly depend on the state of the WC.The data of the consolidated checklists of the integrated LP system showed that all comments were eliminated in 2021. Based on the results of measuring the values of production factors at 12 workplaces (W), they belong to the acceptable class 2 WC. These are W - engineers of the Ⅰ and Ⅱ categories of the operation department, computer operators, technicians of the Ⅰ category for logistics, leading engineers for technical training and control over the technical maintenance of buildings, an ecologist.In total, in the ОLD for 95 W there are harmful with irremovable WC class 3.1. Of these, 60 WCs (551 workers) have a harmful noise factor observed on the RMs of assistant drivers of an electric locomotive and a diesel locomotive. For 35 WC (413 employees) - a harmful factor is the intensity of labor, which affects the drivers of an electric locomotive and a diesel locomotive. 58 WC have passed the declaration procedure, that is, they meet the requirements of state regulations.Measures have been developed aimed at conducting mandatory medical examinations and supplying workers employed in the Republic of Moldova with harmful production factors with personal protective equipment, improving UT, reducing injuries and occupational diseases working in the depot.


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How to Cite

Костырева, М. В., Мелентьева, А. А., & Асламова, В. С. (2022). ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF WORKING CONDITIONS IN THE OPERATIONAL LOCOMOTIVE DEPO WINTER IN 2021. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(18). Retrieved from



Life safety and ecology