
  • Валерия Олеговна Анциферова Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Эдуард Евгеньевич Зеленский Иркутский государственный университет путей сообщения


railway track, reliability, calculation, connection, rails, fasteners, sleepers, system, failure, the upper structure of the path, the path


This article analyzes the reliability indicators for the railway track system. The concept of a railway track and the tasks of the current content are given. Next, the problems of the path that arise due to the low reliability of the VSP and low-quality parts are considered. After that, a reliability assessment is carried out, during which various schemes for connecting elements were presented. In addition, defects that may occur after some time of operation and tonnage skipping on the current section of the track are considered. The problem of increasing the efficiency and stability of the upper structure of the path is solved. The reliability of individual elements of the railway track is considered, which shows the dynamics of the system as a whole. And also, the reliability of individual elements of the VSP and the railway track system is visually displayed. As a result, the graphs “reliability of VSP elements” and “reliability of the railway track system” are analyzed. The first graph shows that the sleepers are the most reliable element of the VSP. According to the second schedule, it is concluded that the reliability of the track is not provided for a given missed tonnage. Thus, the results of the analysis made it possible to identify the most reliable element both working separately and operating in the system. Through the analysis, measures were proposed to improve their strength, such as: reducing the number of elements of the upper structure of the track; increasing the reliability of elements using high-strength material; timely detection of failures and their immediate elimination.


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How to Cite

Анциферова, В. О., & Зеленский, Э. Е. (2022). ANALYSIS OF RELIABILITY INDICATORS FOR THE RAILWAY TRACK SYSTEM. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(18). Retrieved from



Railway track, railway research and design

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