
  • Viktor Vladimirovich Kashkovsky Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Kristina Artemovna Emelyanova Irkutsk State Transport University


spectral analysis, earthquake prediction, deep geodynamics, pros, Baikal rift zone


Irkutsk region has a very developed transport network. For the successful operation of this transport network, it is important to take into account the risks caused by the active seismic activity of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) and seismic zoning of stationary objects and structures of the transport network. This requires monitoring of the seismic activity of the BRZ and its forecast. The search for new hydrogeochemical methods of earthquake prediction based on changes in the concentration of dissolved radon and helium in groundwater and the use of modern information technologies led us to create a model for the preparation and implementation of a tectonic earthquake and its precursors. The proposed model is based on the fact that the cause of all earthquake precursors is the consumption of tectonic energy for plastic deformation in rocks for 2-3 years before the earthquake. Based on this model, a mathematical apparatus of paired indicator functions signaling the approach of the earthquake was developed. For the practical implementation of the proposed mathematical apparatus, software was developed and its practical applicability was evaluated. A further development of these studies was the search for signs of the existence of the Baikal plume.

There is a hypothesis that in the BRZ region there is a small branch of the plume from the Central Asian region of intraplate magmatism. However, there has been no objective evidence of this to date. Spectral analysis of paired indicator functions revealed continuous periodic pressure fluctuations inside the Earth's crust in the Southern Baikal region, which can be considered as proof of the existence of the Baikal plume. The obtained results suggest that the thermal processes of deep geodynamics caused by the Baikal plume are expressed in the displacement of the southeastern block of the BRZ to the east in the southeastern direction and are the root cause of the high seismic activity of the Baikal region.


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How to Cite

Кашковский, В. В. ., & Емельянова, К. А. (2023). APPLICATION OF THE SPECTRAL METHOD FOR THE STUDY OF DEEP GEODY-NAMICS ON THE EXAMPLE OF RIFTOGENESIS OF THE BAIKAL RIFT ZONE. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(20). Retrieved from



Computer science and engineering