
  • Yuliya Olegovna Gantimurova Angarsk State Technical University
  • Valerii Erofeevich Gozbenko Irkutsk State Transport University, Angarsk State Technical University
  • Vladislava Sergeevna Ermolina Angarsk State Technical University


public transport, intelligent transport system, geoinformation systems, spatial analysis, systems approach, sustainable transport links, availability


The establishment of sustainable transport links is a priority within the framework of the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation. The intensive development of cities, suburbanization requires changes in the functioning of public transport, which in turn will be aimed at increasing the number of trips while minimizing social costs and negative environmental impacts. However, carriers do not change existing public transport routes, stops or schedules, justifying this with passenger habits and stable passenger traffic on established routes. Such an approach can lead to a mismatch between the availability of public transport services and the demand for the services provided, so the planning and improvement of the public transport system should be based on studies on the effectiveness of the use of intelligent transport systems to analyze transport links in the region. There are various approaches to this problem. The article presents a method for assessing the availability of public transport services using spatiotemporal analysis. The proposed method is based on dividing the territory into regions, and then, using the proposed indicators, each region is assessed in terms of both the current level of availability of public transport services and the potential demand for transport. Benchmarking using spatial tools allows you to assess the degree of agreement between these values and identify areas where improvement in the quality of public transport services is required.

Author Biographies

Yuliya Olegovna Gantimurova, Angarsk State Technical University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Subdepartment of Management of Automobile Transport

Valerii Erofeevich Gozbenko, Irkutsk State Transport University, Angarsk State Technical University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, Professor of the Subdepartment of Mathematics, Professor of the Subdepartment of Management of Automobile Transport

Vladislava Sergeevna Ermolina, Angarsk State Technical University

Student of group TTP-20-1


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How to Cite

Гантимурова, Ю. О., Гозбенко, В. Е., & Ермолина, В. С. (2023). ASSESSING ACCESSIBILITY OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORK TO ESTABLISH URBAN AREAS CONNECTIVITY. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(19). Retrieved from



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