
  • Natalia Alekseevna Medvedeva Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


underdeveloped area, railway network, topology of the railway network, multi-criteria evaluation of options, formation of a variety of options


On the territory of our country to this day there are areas, and even regions with underdeveloped industry, a transport network, a low density and fragmentation of the population, remoteness of centers. In such territories, underdeveloped areas, the mobility of the population is limited, there are difficult conditions for education and healthcare, industry, territorial security, and the deposits available there cannot be developed due to poor transport accessibility. Hence the need for a network of roads, in our case, a network of railways.

The article presents one of the options for selecting and searching for the outline of a network on the territory of an underdeveloped area due to the multicriteria optimization of a set of railway options using the ideal point method. In such areas, when creating a network, a comparison is made of options for both hauls and networks according to their characteristics that meet the goals of creating a network. As a result, the best version of the network outline is found, which will meet the optimality requirements, which depend on the selected characteristics. For examples of comparing networks, the following are presented: an option consisting only of a station connecting the network to an existing line, and the main nodes, which are justified by the location of some kind of work on them (mining, processing, storage, etc.), and an option also with the connecting station and additional nodes introduced to connect the new stations described above into one network.


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How to Cite

Медведева, Н. А. (2023). JUSTIFICATION OF THE LOCATION OF THE TRANSPORT NETWORK IN UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(20). Retrieved from https://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/mns/article/view/1129



Railway track, railway research and design