degassing, ultrasonic cleaning, cavitation, cleaning solutions, dissipationAbstract
The article presents an overview of ultrasonic cleaning technology. Existing methods of degassing of washing solutions are considered. A review of the shortcomings of the technological process of ultrasonic cleaning was made in order to determine the degree of automation and the possibility of making changes to the existing electronic-electrical and mechanical circuits of the equipment.
An analysis of the control system of an ultrasonic unit of the UZU 0.25 type made it possible to determine the relevance and disadvantages associated with the lack of control over the filling level of the cleaning working fluid. The paper also shows some aspects of technological operations related to the preparation and degassing of working fluids. The problems were identified that made it possible to set the goal of further research, which is the need to develop an automated system that controls the level of the cleaning solution in the ultrasonic bath to protect against inclusion in the event of an insufficient level or lack of liquid. And also proved the need to develop a method for degassing the liquid. To solve this goal, the authors set tasks in the work, which consist in reviewing the ultrasonic installation and methods for degassing cleaning solutions, developing and conducting experiments with a new degassing technology, determined the need for a comparative analysis of the quality of cleaning, by improving the control system and degassing technology liquid used in ultrasonic installation.
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