
  • Andrey Alekseevich Danilov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Dmitry Nikolaevich Nasnikov Irkutsk State Transport University


track stability, temperature, stresses, railway track, sleepers, ballast


Ensuring stability is one of the main problems of the device and maintenance of a seamless path. Insufficient stability is a direct threat to train safety. Longitudinal forces arise in the jointless path as the temperature changes relative to the fixing temperature. With a decrease in temperature, tensile stresses arise that can lead to a break in the rail, and with an increase in temperature, compressive stresses arise that can lead to the ejection of the track.

This work is devoted to the study of the stability of the path and measures to improve it. The task of studying the stability of a jointless track is to determine the temperature increase allowed by the stability of the path in comparison with the temperature of fixing rail lashes [Δty]. The article discusses the calculation method of S.P. Pershin, with the help of this technique, the calculation of the standard design of the path is carried out. During the study, parts of the upper structure of the path were modeled in the NanoCAD software package, and the graph was approximated using Microsoft Excel.

Based on the dependence of the stability of the path on the permissible temperature increase under the stability condition, a method for developing a new sleeper with increased resistance to transverse displacements is proposed. The increase in stability against transverse displacement consists in the inclusion of ballast in the sleeper boxes. The new track design was modeled on the basis of the Sh3-D sleeper and analyzed. According to the analysis, it was revealed that the new design is more stable than the standard one.


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How to Cite

Данилов, А. А., & Насников, Д. Н. (2023). MEASURES TO INCREASE ROAD STABILITY. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(20). Retrieved from



Railway track, railway research and design