
  • Natalia Vasilieva Vlasova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Darya Alexandrovna Sergeeva Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Valeria Andreevna Danilenko Irkutsk State Transport University


Containers, delivery time, just in time, containerization of transportation, provision of services, fuel consumption


In a scientific article, the authors consider the issues of cargo delivery in containers. Containers are a universal type of packaging; they can transport both liquid and cargo of other categories. Operations for loading and unloading a container take less time, and therefore the processing capacity increases. In the context of this article, it is proposed to make a proposal - by considering the possibility of reducing the ineffective load during transportation (gross weight of the container). Each type of transport has its disadvantages and its positive aspects, in order to reduce the delivery time, the authors have proposed a standard route of transportation by rail. Based on this, an alternative solution to the problem was considered in the form of a recommended transportation scheme. An important aspect when transporting cargo is safety. During container transportation, cargo may be subject to leakage, damage, loss or theft. Risk management methods are considered: cargo insurance to compensate for losses in the event of loss or damage to cargo. It is also important to carry out quality control and inspection of cargo packaging to prevent possible threats. The use of modern cargo tracking and monitoring systems helps logistics companies have complete information and control over the movement of cargo at any stage of transportation. Using GPS, sensors and other technologies helps you quickly respond to potential problems and reduce risks. Expanding the network of partners and carefully vetting suppliers in the supply chain helps logistics companies choose reliable partners who adhere to high safety standards.


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How to Cite

Власова, Н. В., Сергеева, Д. А., & Даниленко, В. А. (2024). CONTAINER TRANSPORTATION AS AN EFFECTIVE METHOD OF TRANSPORTING GOODS. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(22). Retrieved from



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