
  • Yuliya Olegovna Gantimurova Angarsk State Technical University
  • Valerii Erofeevich Gozbenko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Vladislava Sergeevna Ermolina Angarsk State Technical University


logistics, rail transport, passenger transportation, transport services, transport links


Currently, the efficiency of transport systems plays a key role for the life and economy of society, and is also an important factor in the economic integration of the country's constituent entities. One of the most pressing tasks when planning performance indicators of railway transport is the analysis and assessment of the quality of logistics, which consists of determining the fundamental criteria that will be used. The article discusses the relationship between logistics and transport, provides the main functions of logistics in railway transport; a description of quality indicators in passenger rail transport is provided and a methodology for assessing the quality of transport communication is proposed. The indicators affecting the quality of transport services included the following: number of departures per day; average speed; average traffic interval; transport distance coefficient; types of trains; accessibility of departure and destination stations; availability of detailed information about the services provided. The developed scoring scale provides a comprehensive assessment of the quality of passenger transportation logistics. The testing of the proposed methodology is carried out on the transport route of the suburban service «Angarsk – Irkutsk». The study will allow us to consider risks when planning railway transport routes, taking into account qualitative assessment indicators, as well as assess the profitability of existing communication routes between cities and make appropriate adjustments in order to improve the level of passenger service. In conclusion, opportunities for infrastructure development in relation to transport planning using the results obtained are outlined.


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How to Cite

Гантимурова, Ю. О., Гозбенко, В. Е., & Ермолина, В. С. (2024). METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF TRANSPORT COMMUNICATION BY RAIL. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(22). Retrieved from



Management of railway transport