
  • Viktoriya Aleksandrovna Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Veronica Alekseevna Ryagina Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Evgeny Alexandrovich Trufanov Irkutsk State Transport University


comfortable urban environment, eco-friendly transport system, electric vehicle, charging infrastructure, electric car, charging gun for fuel distribution


The presented scientific research examines the problems and prospects of the development of eco-friendly road transport in Russian cities and regions as a key factor in the growth of the fleet of environmentally safe kind of transport. According to the Interregional Association for the Development and Implementation of the Eco-friendly Transport System of Russia, more than two thousand electric vehicles were registered in Irkutsk at the beginning of 2022. The conducted studies of one of the large neighborhoods of the city of Irkutsk have shown that a significant problem for the wider distribution of electric vehicles and, as a consequence, the creation of a comfortable urban environment, has become insufficient charging infrastructure, and in some places its absence.

In this scientific article, the authors, having considered the current procedure for the placement and use of charging infrastructure in accordance with the requirements established by "SP 42.13330.2011 Urban Planning. Planning and construction of urban and rural settlements" produced the design of the infrastructure of electric vehicle charging stations, using the example of the University micro district of the city of Irkutsk. The calculation was made in order to meet the needs of at least 5% of electric vehicle users from the total number of personal vehicles of residents of this neighborhood. The authors presented a calculation of the needs and optimal equipment of electric filling stations. We have developed a scheme for their placement using mathematical modeling methods, which connects the charging time of an electric vehicle, its mileage on a single charge, charging time at a specialized station, and the number of available parking spaces.


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How to Cite

Оленцевич, В. А., Рягина, В. А., & Труфанов, Е. А. (2024). DESIGNING THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS, USING THE EXAMPLE OF THE UNIVERSITETSKIY MICRODISTRICT OF IRKUTSK. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(22). Retrieved from



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