
  • Olesya Mihalovna Gonchar ИрГУПС
  • Natalia Sergeevna Barebina Irkutsk State Transport University


criticism, cancel culture, woke culture, term, communicative environment


This article was conceived as a publication-dialogue, a process in which the synergy of scientific knowledge and the everyday mode of presentation of the object we are studying is realized. The material is organized in such a way as to impartially and transparently present the contribution of the authors - teacher and student - to the development of the planned publication. The authors believe that such a non-standard format for presenting material is fully consistent with the objectives of the journal, as its name makes clear, as well as contributes to the development of the currently relevant skill of student academic writing. This experience turned out to be valuable for the more experienced co-author, as it allowed him to look with a fresh look at the long-studied problem of criticism in different discourses. In this article we explore innovation terms in the modern communication environment. The origin of these terms and their functioning in the Russian language in the form of the terms “cancel culture” and “woke culture” are shown. The article used the method of analyzing dictionary definitions and the method of contextual analysis. The research material is presented in media texts. Based on the generally accepted opinion in linguistics about the orienting function of a term as a linguistic sign, the authors show that cancel culture and woke-culture are markers of changes occurring in the communicative environment


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How to Cite

Гончар, О. М., & Баребина, Н. С. (2023). ON THE QUESTION OF THE TERMS-INNOVATIONS OF MODERN COMMUNICATION SPACE (USING THE EXAMPLE OF CANCEL CULTURE AND WOKE CULTURE). The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(21). Retrieved from https://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/mns/article/view/1431



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