
  • Анастасия Викторовна Капитанова Красноярский институт железнодорожного транспорта – филиал Иркутского государственного университета путей сообщения
  • Иван Михайлович Лукин Красноярский институт железнодорожного транспорта – филиал Иркутского государственного университета путей сообщения


safe lock, safe, Arduino, code, programming


Nowadays, security is of particular importance. Since many people strive to protect their data and material assets from theft. One way to ensure security is a safe with a combination lock. A safe with a combination lock is one of the most common types of safes. It is equipped with an electronic lock that allows you to set a combination of numbers to open the door. This ensures a high degree of security, since only those who know the correct code can access the contents of the safe. But at the moment, most safes have limited functionality and are not able to provide security at the proper level. This article is one of the ways to simply and affordably improve a safe lock using the Arduino Mega 2560 board. The components necessary to improve the safe lock system are proposed, as well as their detailed description and explanation of the operating principle are presented in the article. Also, a visual drawing of the assembly of the proposed system is presented, which allows absolutely anyone to assemble this system and test it. A sketch for the correct operation of an Arduino-based safe lock was written in the Arduino IDE program, since it has a simple and intuitive interface that allows absolutely anyone to write the program necessary for the smooth operation of a particular device.


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How to Cite

Капитанова, А. В. ., & Лукин, И. М. (2024). SAFE LOCK BASED ON ARDUINO. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(22). Retrieved from



Automation, telemechanics and communication