
  • Irina Evgenievna Kulichkova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Victoria Alexandrovna Olencevich Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Anna Ilyinichna Krylach Irkutsk State Transport University


transport and logistics services and services, perishable goods, logistics approaches, transportation costs, production costs, motor vehicle, cargo delivery time, improvement of transportation technology, peasant farming


In recent years, the issues of commodity supply of food products to the regions of the Russian Federation, in connection with the introduction of Western sanctions, have been raised by the government of the country especially acutely. In the presented scientific study, the authors propose to consider the problems of transportation of goods transported under special conditions, using the example of transportation of milk and dairy products, subject to the application of existing logistics methods and approaches in the transport sector. Today, the territories of the Siberian region are provided with milk and dairy products of their own production by more than 65%, in relation to the consumption standards established in the Russian Federation. A positive trend is observed in the production of dairy products, so in six years the production volumes of peasant farms have increased by 1,5 times.

The authors analyzed the existing level of providing the territories of the Irkutsk region with dairy products, considered the structure of operating costs for its production, including transportation costs. Some measures are proposed that, according to the authors, will contribute to the increase in milk production in the Irkutsk region, as well as significantly reduce the cost of its transportation. The rules of transportation of dairy products by road, as well as possible options for transport support on the example of a single peasant farm are considered. The calculation of the production program for the operation of rolling stock according to the variants of the cargo route is presented, the economic justification of the choice of the optimal method of delivery is carried out.


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How to Cite

Куличкова, И. Е., Оленцевич, В. А., & Крылач, А. И. (2024). IMPROVING THE TECHNOLOGY OF TRANSPORTATION OF PERISHABLE GOODS BY ROAD BASED ON THE APPLICATION OF LOGISTICS APPROACHES. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(22). Retrieved from



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