customs authorities, assessment, efficiency, effectiveness, criteria, indicators, improvementAbstract
This work analyzes three structural areas of the system for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of customs authorities, namely areas of fiscal, managerial and law enforcement nature. The system for assessing of the activities of representatives of customs authorities in order to improve it should, at the stage of creating indicators and methods of such a process, include solved current problems of past mistakes. It is worth saying that at the present stage such an assessment system has a number of unresolved problems that directly affect the results of the work of customs authorities. Such problems include duplication and inadequacy of the regulatory legal framework for assessment, the absence of a stage of “conducting a preliminary performance check” in terms of the assessment system and indicators of customs authorities, and the development does not take into account two important points - the impact of external and internal factors on the work of customs organs. The article also provides practical recommendations for improving customs control processes and promoting modern technologies to improve the efficiency of customs activities.
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