
  • Anna Ilyinichna Krylach Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Irina Evgenievna Kulichkova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Viktoriya Alexandrovna Olencevich Irkutsk State Transport University


The Eastern polygon, the railway infrastructure complex, increasing capacity, reliability of technical equipment, ensuring train safety, minimizing operating costs, cost of transportation


In the modern conditions of the functioning of JSC "Russian Railways", the relevance of issues of increasing the level of capacity of the railway infrastructure complex is especially significant and can be considered as the main task of the development of the transport industry in the future. The reorientation of freight traffic to the eastern direction in recent years and, as a result, the increase in the load on the railway infrastructure require operational management decisions, which today are not possible without conducting scientific research on the activities of all transport sectors.

In the presented scientific article, the authors considered the issues of increasing the efficiency of using the capacity of the infrastructure complex of the railways of the Eastern Polygon, ensuring traffic safety, improving the reliability of the functioning of technical means, since these areas of development of JSC Russian Railways have been and remain the most important for railways. It is especially important to form a new comprehensive approach to the development of the infrastructure complex in a timely manner, to develop effective scientific and practical methods and algorithms for the organization of traffic, the functioning of technical means to ensure the safety of train traffic at the Eastern Railway range, which would allow to qualitatively increase the use of throughput and carrying capacity of lines and sections, provided that the operating costs of infrastructure are minimized. In order to implement the tasks set by the authors, an analysis of the continuity of the transportation process in the modern conditions of the industry's functioning was carried out.


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How to Cite

Крылач, А. И., Куличкова, И. Е., & Оленцевич, В. А. (2024). ISSUES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTINUITY OF THE TRANSPORTATION PROCESS IN MODERN OPERATING CONDITIONS THE EASTERN POLYGON. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(23). Retrieved from



Management of railway transport