
  • Daniil Alexandrovich Murashkin Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport branch of Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Veronika Alexandrovna Levitskaya Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport branch of Irkutsk State Transport University


Russian Railway, reduction of energy consumption, benefit, mechanism, program


This scientific article is aimed at studying the influence of economic factors on the development of energy-saving technologies in the railway sector. Each tool has its own characteristics and is used depending on the specific situation and goals set. The choice and use of economic instruments requires in-depth analysis and evaluation of their effectiveness, since improper use can lead to negative consequences. It is important to note that the effectiveness of economic instruments depends on many factors, including the political situation, the state of the world economy, social conditions and others. Therefore, it is necessary to use a combination of tools to achieve a positive result.

The study is relevant in the light of the need to find effective mechanisms to stimulate innovation in this area. The main research tool is the analysis of various economic mechanisms for stimulating energy-saving technologies, including tax incentives, subsidies, loans with interest rates and special financial instruments that can be used to encourage the introduction of energy-saving technologies in the field of railway transport. The results of the study can be useful for developing a strategy to stimulate innovation in the railway industry and the formation of appropriate public policy. They will help identify the most effective methods of supporting enterprises implementing energy-saving technologies and contribute to improving the competitiveness of the railway sector in the global market, as well as the effective use of one of the methods will increase the level of profit. This will happen due to the efficiency of the use of energy-saving technologies.


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How to Cite

Мурашкин, Д. А., & Левицкая , . В. А. . (2024). ECONOMIC INSTRUMENTS IN STIMULATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES OF RUSSIAN RAILWAYS . The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(23). Retrieved from



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