
  • Natalia Nikolaevna Grigoryeva Иркутский государственный университет путей сообщения
  • Diana Vital´evna Karbusheva Irkutsk State Transport University


labor rationing, production efficiency, labor organization, labor productivity, development history


Rationing and labor organization are the most important link in the technological and organizational preparation of production, its operational management by increasing the efficiency of production processes, on which the competitiveness of any enterprise directly depends. Since the appearance of the first forms of production, people have been faced with the need to optimize work processes and monitor the progress of work. In ancient times, rationing was associated with seasonal work, rituals and customs. For example, in China, a rationing system based on the principles of Confucianism was developed, so Chinese scientists developed calendars of agricultural work, determining the optimal time for sowing crops. The history of the emergence and development of labor rationing is closely related to the development of production itself, social changes and technological progress in society. In modern conditions of functioning of enterprises, labor rationing is one of the most demanded areas in the organization and management of production processes. This article is devoted to the history of the emergence and development of rationing and labor organization. The main stages of the development of the rationing system and its current state are considered. The main directions of the development of modern labor rationing are highlighted, the main problems that an enterprise may face when deciding to revive or implement a system of rationing and labor organization are updated. Careful rationing of work creates the basis for order and discipline, while the organization of work is the way to a coordinated and purposeful work activity.


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How to Cite

Григорьева, Н. Н., & Карбушева, . Д. В. . (2024). HISTORY OF THE EMERGENCE AND DEVELOPMENT OF RATING AND LABOR ORGANIZATION. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(23). Retrieved from https://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/mns/article/view/1656



Economics & management