market, trading companies, organization costs, logistics costs, commercial organizationsAbstract
The development of any trade organization depends on planning the company’s logistics costs. The study of problems associated with the optimization of logistics costs in an organization is a central element in the cost management system. The work contains an up-to-date study of options for optimizing logistics costs in commercial companies in Russia and the Irkutsk region. The object of the study is the organization's costs. The first part of the article discusses issues of the trading industry, provides the dynamics of trading companies in the world, Russia and the Irkutsk region. The focus is on the trade industry in the food industry, and the main characteristics of this area are given. The role of the trading industry in the field of food sales, in providing end consumers with essential products, as well as improving the quality of life and meeting the needs of the population for a variety of high-quality products, is highlighted. The most significant problems in the activities of commercial companies both in the world and in Russia highlighted. The dynamics of the results of the functioning of domestic commercial companies analyzed the dynamics of insolvency indicators of the designated entities considered. Based on the causes of problems in the activities of commercial companies, the cause-and-effect relationship of bankruptcy of trading companies is consistently examined, since economic problems are the main indicators that indicate whether the company is coping with its obligations or not. As a result, conclusions drawn about the importance of the approach to optimizing the costs of trading organizations.
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