
  • Mickhail Ivanovich Kulesh Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Kristina Igorevna Solovei Irkutsk State Transport University


logistics, logistics strategy, construction, on-site warehouse, logistics management


The article is devoted to the study of the sectoral features of strategic logistics management in construction. Construction is one of the key sectors of the economy, which requires coordinated work of participants in construction projects and effective resource management. An important part of the logistics strategy in the construction sector is the choice of optimal ways to supply materials, the organization of warehousing, planning and coordination of transportation. The article considers the classification of logistics strategies in construction, such as "Just-in-Time" (just-in-time), the strategy of minimizing total logistics costs and others. Each of them has its own characteristics and can be adapted to the specific conditions of the project. This article also examines the topic of "Modern information technologies in logistics", which makes it possible to increase transparency and efficiency of supply management, reduce costs and reduce time for construction work. On-site warehouses have been studied, because in construction they play an important role in ensuring efficient storage and distribution of building materials and equipment. In conclusion, there are examples of Russian leading construction companies that are actively implementing modern logistics solutions to increase competitiveness and improve the quality of services provided.


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How to Cite

Кулеш, . М. И. ., & Соловей, К. И. (2024). RESEARCH OF INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC FEATURES OF STRATEGIC LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION . The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(24). Retrieved from