fixed asset, usage, efficiency, structure, groupsAbstract
The organization's fixed assets are a key element in the structure of any business, as they directly affect productivity, efficiency and competitiveness. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that fixed assets are available as part of the assets of an enterprise in any industry. Fixed assets include buildings, structures, machinery, equipment and vehicles that are used in the production and provision of services. Their proper use and management ensure not only the preservation of functionality, but also cost optimization. The article provides a definition of fixed assets, criteria for attribution, structure and classification of fixed assets by useful life. The federal statistical information is analyzed. The methods of increasing the efficiency of the use of fixed assets are described. The effective use of fixed assets begins with their classification and assessment of their condition. Regular monitoring of the technical condition and timely modernization make it possible to avoid the cost of capital repairs and increase productivity. Investments in fixed assets, such as the latest equipment and technologies, contribute to productivity growth and product quality improvement. A balanced allocation of resources and a strategic approach to the management of fixed assets ensure the organization's sustainable development and the ability to adapt to changes in the market. Ultimately, the effective use of fixed assets is the key to the successful and uninterrupted functioning of the enterprise
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