
  • Арина Сергеевна Астраханцева Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Елизавета Руслановна Никитина Irkutsk State Transport University


supply, logistics, production, systematicity, complexity, principles


In the context of globalization and increasing competition, effective management of inventory, transportation and distribution of resources becomes critical to improving production efficiency.

The article examines the basic logistics principles, their impact on the efficiency of supplying manufacturing enterprises, as well as their features. The importance of relationships with suppliers is also highlighted, as they play an important role in the processes of managing the cost of manufactured products. In particular, both parties - the supplier and the industrial enterprise - must clearly interact when developing pricing programs.

In addition, it was determined that the concepts of "material and technical supply", "material and technical support", "purchases" are often identified, but the term "supply" is more capacious, since it covers not only the management of individual purchase processes, but also the entire supply system of the enterprise. In the article, the author analyzed the main logistics principles, such as supply chain optimization, inventory management and supply coordination, as well as their impact on reducing costs and improving customer service. According to statistics, about two thirds of the tasks facing the supply department are impossible to accomplish due to shortcomings in current planning. Therefore, it is reasonable to develop short-term plans and ensure the purchase of only those resources that will be needed in the near future. This becomes especially relevant in a crisis: the procurement process should be organized in such a way as to minimize the risk of accumulation of excess material stocks in the warehouse.

The author concludes that the efficiency of any enterprise directly depends on the uninterrupted supply of the production process and distribution network with the necessary materials and equipment. Lack of resources leads to downtime.


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How to Cite

Астраханцева, А. С., & Никитина, . Е. Р. . (2024). LOGISTIC PRINCIPLES APPLICATION IN PROVIDING MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES SUPPLY . The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3 (25). Retrieved from https://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/mns/article/view/1953

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