
  • Olga Igorevna Krushinskaya Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Mariana Alexandrovna Trukhina Irkutsk State Transport University


EC ASUTR, automation, labor engineer, AS AFOT, working time accounting


In this paper, the role of applying the functions of the EC ASUTR system in the process of working with personnel in railway transport is revealed. The authors of the article review the automation processes in JSC "Russian Railways" and its structural divisions, and therefore justify the importance of the EC ASUTR when working with personnel. The article contains information about the structure of the EC ASUTR, its functions, application in the process of labor resources management, describes the capabilities of a certain specialist in this system. In this paper, we consider the process of the system, its functional features and the scope of actions in various modules. The article describes the stages of the implementation of the EC ASUTR and the modernization of its functions from the beginning of the creation of the first prototype. The essence of the profession of an engineer for the organization and rationing of labor is revealed, its functions and relations with other employees of the railway enterprise are presented. Their terms of reference and activities in the EC ASUTR are described in detail. The article considers the role of the EC ASUTR subsystem-Consolidated analytical reporting on the payroll fund (AS AFOT). The upgraded capabilities of the system are considered in detail, which make it possible to significantly simplify the work of the labor rationing department. The article reveals the advantages of automation of work with personnel. In conclusion, the conclusion is made about the importance of the EC ASUTR system in JSC "Russian Railways" and the prospects for its development.


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How to Cite

Крушинская, О. И., & Трухина, М. А. (2022). ANALYSIS OF OPPORTUNITIES AND PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EC ASUTR SYSTEM. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(13). Retrieved from



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