passenger transportation, passenger turnover, transport system, development prospects, foreign countriesAbstract
This article considers the essence of passenger transportation, presents the main characteristics of modes of transport, substantiates the relevance of the development of the transport system. The system of passenger transportation of the Russian Federation is characterized in detail and promising directions for the development of passenger transport in our country and foreign countries are given. In the process of theoretical analysis, the following trends in the development of passenger transportation in Russia were identified: increasing the level of vehicle safety, creating a single transport space based on the balanced development of transport infrastructure, integrating into the global transport space, as well as ensuring the availability and quality of transport services for the population in accordance with social standards. At the same time, in the countries of the European Union, the USA and China, special attention is paid to the modernization of transport infrastructure. This is due to the need for the growth of the economic component of any state, which is manifested in the intensity of the development of transport hubs, economic ties, as well as the mobility of citizens.
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