
  • Anastasia Alekseevna Podshivalova Irkutsk State Transport University


lateral forces, transition curve, track width change, rolling stock movement pattern


In the course of the work, calculations were carried out to determine the nature of the action of the maximum horizontal forces, taking into account the malfunction of the path when moving within the transition curve. The analysis was carried out using the "Universal Mechanism" software package. The Um Loco module was used directly for the calculation. As a result of computer modeling, the dependence of the change in the velocity of the maximum horizontal transverse forces at the time of the passage of the rolling stock along the unevenness of the track structure was determined. This unevenness was modeled in the form of a sharp change in the width of the rail track within the transition curve. It is established that the rate of change of the lateral force, depending on the sharp drop in the pattern, increases with the growth of this deviation by about 1.3 times. The amplitude and period of rolling stock fluctuations are also increasing. Obviously, this leads to an increase in wear and to a decrease in the service life of both the elements of the railway track and the elements of the rolling stock. The result allows us to obtain more reliable data on the interaction of the "wheel-rail" system when the car is moving within the transition curve and is of great practical importance in studying the interaction of the track and rolling stock.


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How to Cite

Подшивалова, А. А. (2021). DETERMINATION OF THE RATE OF CHANGE OF LATERAL FORCE DEPENDING ON A SHARP CHANGE IN TRACK WIDTH. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(14). Retrieved from



Railway track, railway research and design