innovative approaches, innovations, transport, logistics system, technologiesAbstract
To date, innovative approaches in logistics systems require the improvement of planning methods. In logistics systems, the era of digital technologies is underway, the speed of which is accelerating due to the epidemic that has arisen in the world. In turn, digitalization is a new direction, which in logistics opens up new directions, which are: acceleration, change, restructuring of business models, offering a wider range of services. Thanks to new technologies and modern logistics systems, a new information interconnection is being created, which is a key feature in many areas, along with transport. The constant development of the economic system in the domestic sector requires an increase in the innovative processes of the transport environment and the proposal of new directions in the organization of transportation. This dynamic has led to the development of new approaches in logistics systems. At the same time, the logistics infrastructure is one of the main segments of success and potential economic growth in the Russian market.
The presented article proposes innovative approaches - as an integral part of the application of innovations in those segments that strive to take a leading position in the market. Along with this, the purpose of the article should include the key factors of new areas of logistics processes that affect the development of the transport system. In this case, it is necessary to consider the following tasks: 1. Present the problems of the development of the logistics system in the transport sector. 2. Identify innovative approaches in logistics systems for the near future. 3. Give recommendations on the application of innovations in the logistics system.
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