
  • Andrey Vasilyevich Kryukov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Pavel Aleksandrovich Sapozhnik Irkutsk National Research Technical University


traction power supply systems, heating of contact suspension wires, modeling


To prevent heat overloads of traction networks when planning their modes, it is necessary to determine the temperatures of current-carrying parts, such as contact wires and load-bearing cables. The most complete information on the temperature conditions of the current-carrying parts can be obtained based on the determination of the temperature change dynamics. In modern conditions, characterized by the large-scale introduction of digitalization tools, computer technologies must be used to obtain such information. The article presents the results of the development of digital models of traction networks, which provide modeling and analysis of temperature conditions. Simulation was carried out in the Fazonord software complex for the power supply system, which includes three traction substations and two inter-substation zones of the 25 kV contact network. The power grid of the electric power system included four 220 kV transmission lines. The movement of seven trains with masses of 6300 tons in the odd direction and the same number of trains weighing 6000 tons in the even direction was simulated. The proposed models can be applied in practice when planning modes of traction power supply systems and determining their load capacity.


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How to Cite

Крюков , А. В. ., & Сапожник , П. А. (2022). SIMULATION OF RAILWAY TRACTION NETWORK WIRE HEATING DYNAMICS. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(15). Retrieved from



Energy, railway electrification