
  • Arina Sergeevna Astrakhantseva Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Olesya Aleksandrovna Zueva Irkutsk State Transport University


automotive industry, marketing, logistics, sales, spare parts


Success in the market in the sale of a particular product depends not so much on the production and financial capabilities of companies as on the planning of the company's sales activities. The planning of the company's sales activities consists in bringing the goods to the consumer in the place, in the quantity and quality that are required.

The main purpose of sales logistics is to ensure the continuity of sales. Uninterrupted sales can be achieved in many ways, as well as their combination according to the principle of nesting.

 The sale of products is an integral part of the organization of activities in market conditions. A company can count on real success in business only if it rationally organizes the sale of its products. Currently, the problem of managing the marketing activities of companies during the period of economic growth is acute. This is directly related to the competition in the production and sale of goods.

 This article discusses the issues of sales problems of commercial companies, including in the automotive industry. The theoretical foundations of sales activities are considered and the management systems of the company's sales activities are improved. Ways of solving problems are propose.


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How to Cite

Астраханцева, А. С. ., & Зуева, О. А. (2022). THE MAIN PROBLEMS OF IDENTIFYING APPROACHES TO THE COMMERCIAL COMPANIESSALES ACTIVITY. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(15). Retrieved from



Economics & management