
  • Nikolay Dmitrievich Shavanov Irkutsk State Transport University


industrial waste, railway transport waste, landfills, locomotive slag, objects of accumulated environmental damage, anthropogenic impact, elimination of objects of accumulated environmental damage


This paper presents an analysis of the problem of accumulation of locomotive ash and slag, which are waste products of the past economic activity of railway transport accumulated over a period of more than 140 years and objects of accumulated environmental damage. The requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of liquidation of NWOS facilities are considered. There is a lack of information about the dumps of locomotive ash and slag in the Federal Classification Catalog of waste. The places of accumulation of locomotive slags along the route Slyudyanka – port Baikal have been studied, the thermal characteristics of soils in the area of existing dumps are given.. The relevance of further study of the composition and properties of locomotive ash and slag, which can act as unconventional mineral raw materials for various industries, is shown.


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How to Cite

Шаванов, Н. Д. (2022). PROMISING WAYS TO ELIMINATE OBJECTS OF ACCUMULATED ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE (BAIKAL REGION). The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(18). Retrieved from



Life safety and ecology