insulation, control and alarm device, automation, winding, breakageAbstract
This article provides an overview of existing technologies for winding transformer windings. The grades and properties of existing electrical insulating materials used in the manufacture of transformers are considered. Also, a review and critical analysis of the production line for applying insulation to copper busbars and the principle of operation of its main parts was made.
The article analyzes product rejections when winding insulation on a copper or aluminum wire and their causes, which made it possible to determine the relevance of the problem and the purpose of further research, which is the need to develop an automated control system that monitors and makes decisions in case of malfunctions. To achieve this goal, the authors also defined tasks that consist in reviewing existing insulation monitoring systems, analyzing equipment as a control object for tracking insulation breaks and developing, testing an automated device for monitoring and signaling insulation breaks at enterprises of an electromechanical profile.
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