
  • Maria Alexandrovna Vokina Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Margarita Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Nikolay Grieorievich Filippenko Irkutsk State Transport University


hydraulic damper, hydraulic cylinder, locomotive "Ermak", rod guide, cylinder days


This article presents and analyzes the problems of the operation of the brand 677, 678 hydro dampers installed on the Ermak locomotives produced during the period 2004-2021. The article considered: the structure, the principle of operation of the hydro damper, its main malfunctions.

Statistical data on hydraulic vibration dampers of the 677, 677-1, 677-3, 678 brands received for repair at the Irkutsk locomotive depot for the period from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021 were collected and analyzed. The causes of malfunctions and the frequency of their manifestation were identified.

The analysis of the regulatory and technical documentation for the repair of hydraulic dampers showed that the main types of malfunctions include: leakage of lubricant through the body due to the destruction or wear of rubber seals on the guide and the lack of tightness in the lower part of the hydraulic cylinder due to the unsatisfactory design and manufacturing technology of the assembly unit "working chamber" and its components- valve, petal spring.


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How to Cite

Вокина, М. А. ., Михальчишина , М. Э., & Филиппенко, Н. Г. (2022). SOME ASPECTS OF MALFUNCTIONS OF THE HYDRO-DAMPER OF THE "ERMAK" LOCOMOTIVE. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(15). Retrieved from



Mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science

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