
  • Elena Nikolaevna Timukhina Ural State University of Railway Transport
  • Vladislav Vladislavovich Lesnykh Ural State University of Railway Transport
  • Polina Olegovna Kozlova Ural State University of Railway Transport


transportation hub, passenger systems, macromodelling, mapping, flow map


This article analyzes the experience of transport hubs research in Russia and abroad. After analyzing the studies, it is revealed that the nodes were considered as nodes with cargo traffic or with transshipment of cargo to sea and river transport. Currently, the task of studying transport nodes with passenger systems arises.

To assess the congestion of a node and its bottlenecks, it is necessary to use a mapping tool, a simple and straightforward tool that consists in the construction of a flow map of the process flow with time costs. The flow map identifies bottlenecks that cause the greatest delays for passengers waiting for transport. Options for reducing delays have been proposed - switching to a timetable (at equal intervals of time) or the construction of transfer transport hubs (TTH).

If it is impossible to determine the bottlenecks, it is necessary to use another method - macromodeling. Macromodeling is able to work with systems of large dimensions (which is a transport hub), which is confirmed by modeling the polygon from the Kuzbass to the Baltic ports.

Finally, the authors proposed an algorithm for studying the transport hub with passenger systems for congestion and bottlenecks.


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How to Cite

Тимухина, Е. Н. ., Лесных, В. В. . ., & Козлова, П. О. . (2022). THE USE OF A MAPPING TOOL TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE TRANSPORT HUB. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(16). Retrieved from



Management of railway transport