
  • Vladimir Alexandrovich Nachigin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Valeria Olegovna Antsiferova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Elena Vadimovna Artamonova Irkutsk State Transport University


EK ASUI, system, Russian Railways, work assignments, flaw detection, defects, pre-defects


This paper considers the Unified corporate automated infrastructure management system.  Its functionality, and the structure of the representation of functions by the user of the system for planning and accounting for non-destructive testing of rails and the operation of facilities of Russian Railways.  It was determined that in order to carry out their activities, within the boundaries of the processes under consideration, specialists take part in various interactions in accordance with their roles.  And the roles are assigned to employees, which determine the level of their authority.  Also, an assessment was made of the quality of the work of the user of the EC ACMS and feedback.  The assessment identified 4 problem areas.  The first of which is a personnel problem, that employees do not have sufficient experience and qualifications to work with the EC ACMS.  The second problem is information support, i.e.  the system is not designed enough for continuous operation.  The third problem is a problem related to technical support.  And the fourth problem is caused by the lack of feedback from the developers.  And in the course of this assessment, we put forward a number of proposals for improving or partially eliminating problem areas.  And also, to improve the efficiency of work, assimilation and use of data for monitoring and diagnosing the state of railways.  It was concluded that it is necessary to improve mobile workplaces in the EC ACMS system and we suggested how exactly it is possible to improve the mobile workplace.


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How to Cite

Начигин , В. А., Анциферова, В. О., & Артамонова, Е. В. (2022). WORK OF A UNIFIED CORPORATE AUTOMATED INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(16). Retrieved from



Railway track, railway research and design

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