
  • Damir Al'fridovich Zainagabdinov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Vasilii Vladimirovich Basov Irkutsk State Transport University


ballastless bridge deck, slab, model


The history of the emergence of a ballastless bridge web originates from the emergence of a ballast bridge web on wooden crossbars, the bridge web on wooden crossbars is characterized by low weight (0.8 tons per 1 meter of length) and good dynamic qualities, but its main drawback is high operating costs and low durability, as well as the scarcity of the required timber and high labor intensity devices. This is a bridge deck and its use on new bridges is reduced due to the listed disadvantages.A canvas on metal crossbars had some use.

Currently, instead of the canvas on the crossbars, a new reinforced concrete ballastless bridge fabric is increasingly being laid with rails attached through rubber gaskets directly to reinforced concrete slabs. A ballastless bridge deck with a ride on reinforced concrete slabs is today one of the most common structures used on railway bridges.

In view of the fact that it is extremely difficult to study the work of a real reinforced concrete slab of a ballastless bridge deck in laboratory conditions, it became necessary to manufacture a model of a reduced-scale reinforced concrete slab. A project was developed for the manufacture of the plate model, a digital three-dimensional model was created, a reduced-scale formwork was made, reinforcement frames were connected, all the necessary embedded parts were made. During concreting, all the main technological operations were performed, as well as in the manufacture of real ballastless bridge deck slabs, as a result of which models of reinforced concrete slabs were obtained for further laboratory studies.


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How to Cite

Зайнагабдинов, Д. А., & Басов, В. В. (2022). DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING OF A LOCAL MODEL OF A BALLASTLESS BRIDGE PLATE. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(16). Retrieved from



SZD, bridges, tunnels, industrial and civil buildings and structures