
  • Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Yakhno Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Evgeny Sergeevich Krasko Irkutsk State Transport University


advertising, language game, language levels, language norm, pun, homonyms


Modern advertising is one of the types of communication, the participants of which are producers of goods or services and their consumers. The process of advertising communication is complex, and its language has a powerful influence on people, their behavior and perception of the product. Proper use of language structures becomes an important factor in the success of an advertising campaign. Attracting the attention of potential buyers and influencing their consumer behavior is carried out using various creative language tools, including a language game. This article is devoted to the language game as a widespread modern advertising phenomenon. Various approaches to the concept of a language game are analyzed. The characteristic of the language game as an integral part of the advertising discourse using the creative possibilities of the language is given. The article discusses the features of creating a language game in modern advertising texts in English. Cases of a language game using phonetic, lexical, morphological and graphic means are illustrated with examples taken from open Internet sources and mass media. The percentage ratio of the use of the language game at different language levels is presented.


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How to Cite

Яхно, Т. В., & Краско, Е. С. (2022). LANGUAGE GAME IN MODERN ENGLISH ADVERTISING TEXTS. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(16). Retrieved from



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