
  • Darya Viktorovna Salnikova Irkutsk State Transport University


complete switchgear, traction substation, economic indicators, comparison, profitability assessment


The issues that arise when designing a traction substation (TP) with the use of switchgears consisting of individual elements are investigated. A modern solution to the issues raised is given by using complete switchgear (CRU) instead of conventional switchgear. The rationale for the use of complete switchgears instead of switchgears consisting of separate devices is given.

A comparison of complete switchgear of domestic manufacturers was made, the types and brief characteristics of a separate complete switchgear for each manufacturer were noted. The advantages and disadvantages of the CRU of various domestic manufacturers are given. Based on the technical and design characteristics, as well as the experience and quality of the assembly of the switchgear, their choice was made, namely, the production of the Chelyabinsk plant of electrical equipment. The advantages of complete switchgears in comparison with switchgears consisting of separate elements are given.

The design of a support traction substation for the supply of a 1×27.5 kV traction system has been carried out. A single-line scheme of a traction substation for powering a 1×27.5 kV traction system has been developed. The appearance of a 35 kV switchgear is presented. In order to assess the effectiveness of the selected complete switchgear, technical and economic indicators were calculated for the designed traction substation. The comparison of economic indicators of traction substations with the use of conventional switchgears and traction substations based on CRU is carried out. The advantages of complete switchgear are revealed. Based on the results of the comparison, conclusions were drawn about the effectiveness of their use according to various criteria.


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How to Cite

Сальникова, Д. В. (2022). SELECTION OF THE OPTIMAL TYPE OF DESIGN OF THE 35 kV COMPLETE DESIGN. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(17). Retrieved from



Energy, railway electrification