double electric layer, electret, EMF, color centers, mechanoactivation, disperse medium, crystalsAbstract
Continuous development of new energy sources is actively pursued in the following directions: increasing the power; longer periods of possible operation; possibility of operation in liquid media; possibility of use in organic media, without harm to the organism. One of the most promising energy sources developing in these directions are electret. Electrolytes come in many types, in particular, electrolytes based on dispersed media. The efficiency of finely dispersed crystal-based electret can be improved by pre-irradiation of the material. The paper presents the results of studies aimed at studying this effect and determining the conditions for its optimal use. Based on the results obtained the following conclusions are formulated: at pre-irradiation of lithium and sodium fluoride crystals a sharp strengthening of the electret properties of the disperse medium based on these crystals is observed; with increasing exposure dose received by crystals, this effect increases to a certain point; when a certain level of radiation received is reached, the effect of strengthening the electret properties begins to decrease dramatically; presumably, charged point structure defects formed by ionizing irradiation.
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