
  • Alexander Sergeevich Solovskoy Polzunov Altai State Technical University


electromagnetic field, electromagnetic environment, electromagnetic safety, instrumental control, energy parameters, experimental verification


In the modern world, biological objects are adversely affected by many different factors, one of which is electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The relevance of solving the problems of electromagnetic pollution is determined by the inclusion of the problem in the list of priorities of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the recent interest of WHO in conducting systematic reviews and obtaining experimental data on the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

The intensive growth of information and communication technologies, characterized by various electromagnetic radiations, has determined the development of approaches to improving methods for controlling the electromagnetic environment.

The devices used in the process of ensuring electromagnetic safety are analyzed. Based on the analysis of known devices, an assessment of the effectiveness of a small-sized device for monitoring and evaluating broadband electromagnetic radiation was carried out, which allows to eliminate a number of disadvantages of known analogues. The functional features of the device are described with an indication of its main advantages.

Experimental studies of a broadband meter confirming the assessment of electromagnetic radiation in a wide frequency range from 50 Hz to 20 kHz, with the possibility of selecting a point frequency, have been carried out. The experimental test was used not only to assess the ability to control the field, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of shielding protective materials.

 The experimental test was carried out using certain shielding materials (aluminum, copper, steel). The results of measuring the electric field strength and the percentage efficiency for a certain frequency range are presented. The combined possibility of using shielding materials to control the energy parameters of the electromagnetic field is considered.


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How to Cite

Соловской, А. С. (2022). MODERN APPROACHES TO THE ASSESSMENT AND CONTROL OF THE ENERGY PARAMETERS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(17). Retrieved from



Life safety and ecology