
  • Lyubov Victorovna Martynenko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Gunragchultem Purevnyam Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Chuluundorzh Batsukh Irkutsk State Transport University


stability of movement, sinusoidal oscillations, transition curves, terrain, dynamic qualities of the car, wear, wagging and galloping of the car


Currently, the maximum speed of freight cars is 90 km / h, this is due to the difficult terrain, as well as a large number of curves and transition curves. For these sections, compliance with the speed limit is the main task, but the speed limit also depends on a number of other factors. The speed limit occurs when the dynamic qualities of the car change, due to wear and, accordingly, to intense wagging and galloping of the car. The loss of stability of the movement of rolling stock is one of the main reasons for the development of its fluctuations in the rail track, due to the predisposition of wheel sets to tortuous movement. The reason for this is the shape of the wheel with a conical rolling profile, as well as the wear of the wheel crest, which affects the dynamics of the movement of the rolling stock and the creeping of the wheel on the rail. The radii of the rolling circles of the wheels rigidly mounted on the axle are different, as are the defects on the rolling surface of the wheels formed by during operation, it follows that the angle of rotation of the wheel set will always be different, which is unacceptable for the safety of rolling stock, especially in curves and transition curves of the track sections. The wheel set tends to turn in the rail track and go beyond it. However, the traction force directed along the track, simultaneously with the lateral forces acting on the ridges of the wheels from the rails, force the wheel set to move along the track, making sinusoidal oscillations within the gap in the track. These fluctuations can be much greater in case of malfunctions of the track and rolling stock. In the studies conducted on the diagnosis of the wheel set, it was revealed that the rolling bearing causes intense vibrations of the wagons due to a large number of malfunctions of the axle assemblies.


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How to Cite

Мартыненко, Л. В., Пурэвням, Г. ., & Батсух , Ч. . (2022). TRAFFIC SAFETY ASSESSMENT WHEN CALCULATING THE STABILITY COEFFICIENT OF WHEEL PAIRS IN CURVED SECTIONS OF THE TRACK. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (4(18). Retrieved from



Wagons, wagon economy