methods of financing activities, infrastructure company, accounts payableAbstract
The issues of financing the activities of economic entities attract the attention of economists due to the significant restrictions on the use of most traditional borrowed sources of funds. The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the management of accounts payable. The presented points of view on the economic essence and specifics of accounts payable as a method of short-term financing allowed us to evaluate the main characteristics of modern ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of deferral of payments to suppliers and contractors as an analogue of attracting commercial credit.
The sectoral aspects of accounts payable management presented in the article are related to the duration of the production cycle, the period of cash turnover and the production structure of organizations that supply goods and provide services to the largest infrastructure company - AOA "Russian Railways".
The organization of work with accounts payable is considered on the example of the interaction of the East Siberian Directorate of Infrastructure (East Siberian Railway) - a structural subdivision of JSC "Russian Railways", the center "Zheldoruchet" and the regional center "Treasury".
The analysis shows that it is the industry features of the infrastructure company that determine the specifics of the interaction of the main parties in the process of managing accounts payable. Based on the results of the analysis, the main sectoral problems of managing accounts payable are formulated and the directions of their solution in the conditions of information transformations of management systems are proposed.
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