
  • Alexander Ramilevich Ibragimov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Nikolay Grigorievich Filippenko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Daniil Dmitrievich Bystrov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Rodion Aleksandrovich Mandanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Semyon Alekseevich Kolosov Irkutsk State Transport University


paint coatings, material, equipment, painting


Irkutsk Heavy Machinery Plant is experiencing difficulties in the process of finding more technologically advanced paint coatings to protect the surfaces of metal products that are operated in conditions associated with the use of aggressive aqueous solutions with abrasive materials contained in them. The paint coatings that they use are subject to increased requirements from the side, OTC and customers. The research carried out by the authors and the developed methodology for their implementation allowed us to determine the most optimal composition of the paint coating that corresponds to the operating conditions of the products manufactured by IZTM. In this scientific work, a comparative analysis of the paintwork used and proposed is carried out. The technology is given in detail and the methods of applying these coatings are proposed and described.

The conducted research and field tests allow us to conclude that the use of the paint coating option proposed by the authors accelerates the drying process, with the same quality and required necessary properties of the coating compared to the basic coating option. A three-fold reduction in the time spent on the preparation and application of paint coatings, without losing the necessary qualities, proves the more acceptable manufacturability of the composition proposed by the authors.

The conducted research has shown that the equipment currently used for painting products fully meets the quality requirements imposed by the customer, therefore there is no need to install a new one or upgrade the old one.


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How to Cite

Ибрагимов, А. Р., Филиппенко, Н. Г., Быстров, Д. Д., Манданов, Р. А., & Колосов , С. А. (2023). RESEARCH OF PAINT COATINGS OF THE IRKUTSK HEAVY MACHINERY PLANT. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(20), 8. Retrieved from



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